Stock Linkz Widget at Widgetbox
I have provided a new Stock Research widget at Widgetbox. I named it Stock Linkz because it provides the same functionality as the StockLinkz Javascript widget that can be embedded in your web pages. This new variation allows a user to enter a stock ticker symbol in order to search for information. This new widget is not implemented as a pop-up menu, it is always visible.
The widget consists of a simple drop-down menu and text box. Enter a ticker symbol and select from the drop-down various stock research activities. View charts, search blogs, Google, Yahoo Finance, MSN Money or EDGAR SEC filings. The widget pops up results in a new window.
A cool feature of this widget is that it can be sized for sidebars (vertical) or as a top-of-page search facility (horizontal).
Click here to check out the Stock Linkz widget now.
Updated StockLinkz to include EDGAR
I have updated the StockLinkz portion of the OpenLinkz product so that users can now search for SEC filings at the EDGAR web site. This service is provided by Google. Filings can be downloaded or viewed online. If you want to pull financial statements into spreadsheets, a format that supports that is available.
This is an excellent way to get past the analysts and pundits and look directly into the information provided by the companies themselves.