LiveStockQuotes Widget
This is probably my best widget so far. It will display stock quote data including current price, change in price since previous trading day and percent change for one or more stocks, ETFs or indices. It updates throughout the trading day (US markets only) at 30 second intervals.
You can set this up so that it automatically displays your whole portfolio. You can set it up so it displays all major indices. Or you can set it up so that you can enter the ticker symbols of those equities you are interested in at that moment.
There is a simple form in which you or other users can enter a list of ticker symbols, separated by commas. The data is displayed in a tabular format. You can set up the widget so the form is hidden and only the stocks you entered at initialization can be displayed.
This widget is a bit wide at about 260 pixels but it offers lots of flexibility and is one of the few quote widgets that updates continuously. Data is obtained from Yahoo. Index data is up the minute, all other data is delayed by 15 minutes.
Check out the LiveStockQuote widget now at
New Widget - Live Stock Chart
I have developed a new stock chart widget. It is available at and is called LiveStockChart. It allows a user to enter a ticker symbol and then displays a small chart from Yahoo. The cool thing about it, however, is that it updates every 30 seconds. You can
visually track the price performance of a stock or ETF all day long (or as long as US markets are open). It also provides a link to the stock's profile at Yahoo Finance.
LiveStockChart's small size allows it to fit into a sidebar and its sticky characteristics may be just what you need to keep your users on your site.
Check out LiveStockChart at WidgetBox.
If you want the code to directly embed in your pages, get the code in a TXT file.
New Widget - Stock News from SeekingAlpha
I have rolled out another widget that will be good for the financial bloggers. It allows the reader to enter a ticker symbol for a stock or ETF and retrieve a list of recent articles from
You can find it at WidgetBox at the following URL: NewsFromSeekingAlpha.
Two new widgets available
I have been experimenting with widgets at the site and I have created two new ones.
The first one is a small search box that invokes a custom search at Rollyo for News and Current Events. It searches a number of news sites for stories based on the search term you entered. It's called News from Rollyo and you can get it or try it out by clicking on this link which will take you directly to the page at WidgetBox.
The second one provides local traffic alerts and road conditions based on data from Yahoo! You can get it or play with it by clicking this link.
Both of these widgets can be used in the sidebar of your blog or anywhere else you would like to place them.
Labels: search, traffic alerts, Widget, WidgetBox